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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa Claus ...

Yesterday Linda's brother Fredrik came over for a short visit(1 day). He came with a hard to believe story.
When he almost missed his flight from Tokio to Amsterdam, a scandinavian guy helped him out to offer him his taxi, so that he could make it in time...
It was a big bold friendly man with a big beard . Fredrik was in a hurry so he didn't notice anything "strange".. The guy gave him his card and both went their own way.

In the plane Fredrik checked his card...
It was the official Santa Claus!!! He was on his way to Tokio. He didn't wear all his "costume+hair+ extra long beard" so it was hard to spot him. Probably he was on his tour to earn some hard $$...
Tokio, NewYork,London, Paris etc...

above some pics of the card

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